Highway to Well: "Trouble Me," with Mari Ryan

Highway to Well, Episode 30: "Trouble Me," with Mari Ryan

"Trouble me, disturb me with all your cares and your worries. Speak to me and let our words build a shelter from the storm." - 10,000 Maniacs 

In the midst of our dynamic and challenging world we are seeking our purpose and yearning to live it. In this episode of "Highway to Well," Mari Ryan, CEO and founder of Advancing Wellness, and I embark on a journey to understand what makes us thrive. Mari's work involves helping organization's develop people-centric cultures and strategies that maximize performance and wellbeing. Ultimately, what we need to feel alive involves the connection between loving our work and living our mission.  I am inspired by Mari's attention to this and I think we arrive at some valuable conclusions. 

Mari Ryan is a workplace well-being expert, speaker and award-winning author. For the past decade, Ms. Ryan has been creating thriving workplaces, through her consulting work and speaking on worksite well-being. Mari is an active member of the National Speakers Association and the author of award-winning book The Thriving Hive: How People-Centric Workplaces Ignite Engagement and Fuel Results.

Website:  http://www.advwellness.com

LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariryanmba/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/advwellness_us

For more podcasts: https://www.derekbellwellness.com/ 

Derek Bell